Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur to a fetus which has been prenatally exposed to alcohol. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities with possible lifelong implications. FASD is the number one cause of Developmental Disabilities.
Primary Symptoms
The following neurodevelopmental characteristics are commonly associated with FASD. No one or two is necessarily diagnostically significant; many overlap characteristics of other diagnoses, e.g., ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, and others.
Typical primary characteristics in children, adolescents, and adults include:
Memory problems
Difficulty storing and retrieving information
Inconsistent performance ("on" and "off") days
Impulsivity, distractibility, disorganization
Ability to repeat instructions, but inability to put them into action ("talk the talk but don't walk the walk")
Difficulty with abstractions, such as math, money management, time concepts
Cognitive processing deficits (may think more slowly)
Slow auditory pace (may only understand every third word of normally paced conversation)
Developmental lags (may act younger than chronological age)
Inability to predict outcomes or understand consequences
Strengths and interests **see below
Secondary Symptoms
People with FASD can experience chronic frustration when their needs are not being met and accommodations are not made. Over time, patterns of defensive behaviors commonly develop. We often see this in individuals who are not recognized as having FASD or who have been incorrectly diagnosed. These characteristics are believed to be preventable and reversible with appropriate supports.
Fatigue, tantrums
Irritability, frustration, anger, aggression
Fear, anxiety, avoidance, withdrawal
Shut down, lying, running away
Tertiary Symptoms
These are the net result of being chronically misunderstood, experiencing failure, isolation and alienation. Like secondary characteristics, they are preventable and reversible with appropriate support.
Trouble at home, school, and community
Legal trouble
Drug / Alcohol abuse
Some mental health problems (depression, self injury, suicidal tendencies)
**A Word about Strengths & Interests
Many people with FASD have strengths which mask their cognitive challenges. Typical strengths include:
Highly verbal
Bright in some areas
Artistic, musical, mechanical
Friendly, outgoing, affectionate
Determined, persistent
Good with younger children
Source: http://fascets.org/what-is-fasd